

  • 欧美大片鬼屋之影

    主演:Vincent Price Christopher Lee Peter Cushing 


    简介:  A quick glimpse at the cast for this film would make any horror fan giddy with glee. The actual movie doesn't live up to those high expectations, but it's far from being all bad. Desi Arnaz Jr. (!) plays an author who makes a crazy $20,000 bet with his publisher that he could write a great novel in only 24 hours. To do so, the publisher gives him the keys to an old abandoned house where he won't be disturbed. Not true. Once he gets there he is interrupted by a multitude of guests including a family which consists of John Carradine, Sheila Keith, Peter Cushing and Vincent Price. They are gathered there in a twisted family reunion to release their brother from the room he's been imprisoned in for forty years. Even Christopher Lee drops by as Corrigan, the man who has just purchased the house. Soon, they realize that the caged brother is loose and out for revenge.  What a great plotline and what a dream cast! This movie should have been a hell of a lot better. It's hard to pinpoint the exact problems with the film, but I would venture to say that the lack of lighting was a major fault. Sure the house has no electricity but I think they took the title of the movie a little too literally. Scenes after scenes are barely visible and the actors' faces are undecipherable. Only the moments in the main dinning hall are well lit. Also, the great actors are given very little to do. Cushing gets a few chuckles as the scared brother but Price, Lee and especially Carradine are somewhat wasted here. Well, at least Price gets the best line of the film: `Please don't interrupt me while I am soliloquizing.' And on the plus side, the story has enough twists and turns throu212事件视频ghout to keep one`s interest and the ending, while a bit of a cop-out, manages to surprise.

  • 欧美大片寂寞孤心

    主演:蒙哥马利·克利夫特 罗伯特·瑞安 玛娜·洛伊 多洛蕾丝·哈特 玛伦·斯塔普莱顿 

    导演:Vincent J. Donehue

    简介:  Eager to land a journalistic position, Adam White goes to work as an advice-giving newspaper columnist. His editor, S天堂在线资源wwwhrike, takes pleasure in browbeating his alcoholic wife Florence for her past adultery, and assigning his employees journalistic jobs for which they have little aptitude or interest. Shrike goads Adam into meeting one of his correspondents, Fay Doyle, a teary, self-pitying woman who makes a play for him. Adam is torn between his loyalty to the newspaper and h快3直播is girl Justy.

  • 欧美大片大西洋城

    主演:伯特·兰卡斯特 苏珊·萨兰登 凯特·瑞德 米歇尔·皮科利 Hollis McLaren 罗伯特·乔伊 阿尔·韦克斯曼 罗伯特·顾雷特 Moses Znaimer 安格斯·麦金尼斯 肖恩·沙利文 华莱士·肖恩 哈维·阿金 Norma Dell'Agnese 路易·德·莫尼克 约翰·麦柯瑞 埃莉诺·碧克劳夫特 塞克·林德 肖恩·麦卡恩 Vincent Glorioso Adèle C 


    简介:  70年代末,刚刚开放赌场业的大西洋城正处在新旧时代的交替之中。莎莉在一家合法赌场做女招待,并跟随一个法国人学习如何做庄家,希望有朝一日到拉斯维加斯去赚大钱。和莎莉同住在一间公寓里的巴歇尔,现在是老寡妇格蕾丝的情夫和管家,一直暗恋着莎莉。大卫结识了巴歇尔,利用他贩卖古柯碱,但很快被黑手党杀了邻座的怪同学动漫。黑手党没有找到毒品,就来找莎莉,巴歇尔杀掉了两名黑社会枪手,驾车带着莎莉逃亡到佛罗里达。莎莉在汽车旅馆偷走了一部分卖毒品的钱,前往拉斯维加斯寻梦,巴歇尔虽然知道但也没有阻止。巴歇尔给格蕾丝打电话说自己是警方通缉的凶手,便又回到了大西洋城。两个人卖掉剩下的毒品,沿着海滨大道愉快地散步,身后是正在飞速变化的大西洋城。

  • 欧美大片拳赛之日

    主演:Douglas Edwards Vincent Cartier 沃尔特·卡蒂尔 


    简介:  拳赛之日展示了处在生涯巅峰的爱尔兰裔中量级拳手Walter Cartier与中量级鲍比詹姆斯对决的那一天(1950年4月17日)。这部电影以关于拳击历史的短暂旁白开场,然后拍摄Cartier(与他的兄弟Vincent)的一天,这时他正在为晚上10点的比赛做准备。他先在格林威治区西12街的公寓里吃了早餐,然后前去参加了早弥撒,并在他最喜爱的餐馆享用午餐。在下午4点,他开始准备比赛。晚上8点,他在新泽西州纽瓦克的劳雷尔花园的更衣协和影视怎么看不了室等待战斗开始。最后,我们看到拳赛的过程,Cartier在短时间内胜出。  12分钟版与16分钟版的区别是,后者有一段关于拳击历史的开场旁白(4分钟),由资深新闻播音员Douglas Edwards用一种严肃的,带着些许黑色幽默的语调念出。  Day Of The Fight" tells of a day in the life of a middleweight Irish boxer named Walter Cartier, particularly the day of his bout with black middleweight Bobby James. This 16-minute short opens with a short (about 4 minutes) study of boxing's history, narrated by veteran newscaster Douglas Edwards in a no-nonsense, noir tone of voice. After this, we follow Walter (and his twin brother Vincent) through his day as h啦啦啦视频免费观看在线观看e prepares for his 10:00 P.M. bout. After eating breakfast, going to early mass and eating lunch, he starts arranging his things for the fight at 4:00 P.M. By 8:00, he is waiting in his dressing room, where he undergoes a mental transformation, turning into the fighting machine the crowd clamors for. At 10:00, he faces James, and soon, he comes out victorious in a short match which was filmed live on April 17th, 1950.

  • 最新美剧越狱 第三季

    主演:温特沃斯·米勒 多米尼克·珀塞尔 阿莫里·诺拉斯科 罗伯特·克耐普 丹妮·加西亚 

    导演:Vincent Misiano

    简介:  麦克(文特沃斯•米勒 Wentworth Miller 饰)为了帮莎拉顶罪进入了巴拿马最凶险的监狱——SONA,这里专门关押一些重刑犯。因为这里几年前囚犯们发生了暴乱,当地的军队已经完全撤出,剩下这里的犯人自生自灭。这时,林肯(多米尼克•珀塞尔 Dominic Purcell 饰)的儿子LJ和莎拉被Company的人绑架了,他们要求麦克帮助他们完成一项任务,那就是在一周内将在SONA里的澳大利亚人找到并救出来。为了心爱的女人和侄子LJ,麦克黎俏商郁小说全文免费阅读和在外面活动的林肯又开始了他们新一轮的越狱计划!

  • 欧美动漫我的小马驹:友谊大魔法 第八季

    主演:塔拉·斯特朗 / 莫里斯·拉马奇 / Andrea Libman / 阿什莉·鲍尔 / Gavin Langelo / Lauren Jackson / 珊农·陈-肯特 / 塔比莎·杰曼 / Nicole Oliver / 凯莉·谢里丹 / Katrina Salisbury / 凯西·薇瑟乐克 / Vincent Tong / 凯尔·赖德奥特 / 加里·切克 

    导演:Denny Lu / Mike Myhre

    简介:  故事叙述一只叫yellow免费观看最新暮光闪闪(TwilightSparkle meiju5.net)的小马为了执行导师塞拉斯提娅公主(PrincessCelestia)给她的任务,与助手斯穗龙(Spike)一起来到小马镇学习有关友谊的魔法的知识,其中她认识了苹果杰克(Applejack)、瑞瑞(Rarity)、小蝶(Fluttershy)、云宝黛西(RainbowDash)与碧琪(PinkiePie)五位好朋友,每只小马都代表着友谊的每个元素,并在和谐水晶(E... 故事叙述一只叫暮光闪闪(TwilightSparkle)的小马为了执行导师塞拉斯提娅公主(PrincessCelestia)给她的任务,与助手斯穗龙(Spike)一起来到小马镇学习有关友谊的魔法的知识,其中她认识了苹果杰克(Applejack)、瑞瑞(Rarity)、小蝶(Fluttershy)、云宝黛西(RainbowDash)与碧琪(PinkieP单身男女1ie)五位好朋友,每只小马都代表着友谊的每个元素,并在和谐水晶(ElementsofHarmony)中,各扮演重要的关键元素。此后,暮光闪闪(TwilightSparkle)便与她认识的新朋友们开始了有趣的日常生活,在第四季时暮光闪闪(TwilightSparkle)和她的五个朋友在第四集以及之后开始写日记。       &n无敌神马影院在线播放版bsp;                

  • 最新美剧地中海

    主演:卡梅丽雅·乔丹娜 Guillaume Néry 

    导演:弗莱德·福吉,Allain Bougrain-Dubourg,Bertrand Loyer,Fabienne Berthaud,Vincent Schmitt,Christian Gaume,克里斯托夫·谢松

    简介:  探索令人惊叹又危机四伏的地中海,叹为观止的野生动物已经适应并实现了长期生存——直至今日。  地中海承受着来自人类的巨大压力。生命雷神3百度云得以在此繁衍生息的秘密是什么?人类如何能保护这些濒危的生态系统? 发掘动物们为在恶劣环境中生存而采取的独特策略。看一只年轻盗墓笔记重启免费观看的雌性蠵龟穿过危机四伏的海域,到内陆产卵;目睹鹳在险恶的直布罗陀海峡上空翱翔;惊叹于抹香鲸群复杂的社会关系,以及它们如何应对日益严重的声音污染。<菠萝蜜视频免费观看;br/>  《幕后科学》一集中讲述了在野外努力保护当地野生动物的科学家们,而《制作特辑》中揭示了拍摄过程中遇到的人力和技术挑战。

  • 最新美剧自君别去 第一季

    主演:尼古拉斯·林德赫斯特 西莉亚·伊姆里 瑞恩·山普森 Dani Harmer 李·奥克斯 Vincent Ebrahim 阿曼达·阿宾顿 Roxanne Ricketts Samantha Spiro 罗伯特·克诺斯 Sheri-An Davis 


    简介:  Jimmy is the only man who, after his divorce, still has to deal with his disapproving, meddling mother-in-law. When his ex-wife volunteers to go to east Africa to help the victims 含羞草影院免费区of a natural disaster, weekend-dad Jimmy agrees to take care of their two teenage kids full time in an attempt to win her back!很好笑的英国喜剧

  • 最新美剧玛雅帮第四季

    主演:莎拉·伯格 Frankie Loyal Joseph Raymond Lucero J.D.普拉多 Vincent Vargas 


    简介:  Mayans M.C. follows the life of Ezekiel “EZ” Reyes, a member of the Mayans M.C. cha秋葵视频草莓视频丝瓜视频榴莲视频网站秋rter on the Cali/Mexi border. EZ, his brother Angel and the rest of the Santo Padre M.C. face retaliation from other charters after a failed attempt to a我的美女老板电影下载lign under one King. Meanwhile, EZ and Angel have grown distant from their father Felipe (Edward James Olmos) after a heart wrenching betrayal.

  • 欧美大片照片中的女孩

    主演:Natalie De Vincentiis Dana Mackin Robert Christopher Smith 

    导演:Skye Borgman

    简介:  在这部纪录片中,惨死路边的女子留下了一个儿子、一名自金山虚拟光驱称是她丈夫的男子和一个像噩梦层层展开的谜团。

  • 欧美动漫超能小怪兽:新班级

    主演:Elyse Maloway Erin Mathews Vincent Tong 

    导演:Steve Ball

    简介:  A new class of pint-sized preschoolers arrives at Pitchfork Pines, and the Super Monsters take their superpowers to the next level - the Purple Rooxl上司带翻译带中文樱花免费m.

  • 欧美大片游牧警探:罪夜杀机

    主演:埃里克·坎通纳   奥黛丽·达娜   拉奇妲·布拉克尼   吉勒·科昂   莉雅   Samy Seghir   安妮·波努瓦   法里达·拉瓦吉   弗朗索瓦·夏托特   Thierry Levaret   Roger Chaix   克洛德·佩隆   拉斐尔·蒂里   Alain Fromager   Pascal Rénéric   奥罗拉·布鲁坦   亚历山德拉·罗斯   Vincent  


    简介:法国每年有310起谋杀案未破,受害者破碎的家庭陷入无尽的悲痛之中。加拿大释放孟晚舟法国的司法系统是不可调和的:没有钱继续调查毫无结果的案件。追捕谋杀犯,帮助失去亲人的家庭伸张正义,这不仅仅是一份工作,这是托马斯·巴莱斯基的职草蜢影视在线观看免费高清完整版责,他是一名退休的资深警探。托马斯·巴尔斯基(Thomas Bareski)是一个流浪、自由自在、热爱自然的人,住在他的面包车里。他不仅是一个独一无二的人,还是一个准备颠覆自己的生活方式来完成任务的非匆匆那年下载凡警察。

  • 欧美大片马可的滚球队

    主演:欧文·瓦卡罗 路易斯·坎瑟米 托马斯·科帕切 格雷戈·里卡特 Kevin Interdonato 阿纳斯塔西娅·嘉妮娅 安托瓦内特·拉夫奇亚 Ethan Coskay Jake Katzman Caitlin Hammond 



  • 欧美综艺古希腊的瑰宝

    主演:Alastair Sooke 

    导演:David Vincent

    简介:  In this three-part series Alastair Sooke (Treasures Of Ancient Rome, Pride and Prejudice: Having A Ball) explores the riches and unique legacy of Greek art.  Episode One tells the story of Greek art from its surprising, often mysterious origins, travelling from Crete to Santorini, Mycenae to Delphi.  Episode Two explores the astonishing development of classical art - the so called 'Greek revolution', asking how did the ancient Greeks get so good, so fast?  The final instalment looks in detail at a handful of works that have achieved the status of masterpieces, tracing the complex and fascinating story of western civilisation’s love affair with Greek art, f野多波结衣rom the Romans to modern times.

  • 欧美大片冰箱2018美版

    主演:珍尼希斯·罗德里格兹 卡丽·拉扎 安东尼·冈萨雷斯 萨拉·明妮奇 迪兰·科宁 杰西卡·华雷斯 奥马尔·莱瓦 Forrest Fyre 约翰尼·奥蒂斯 Alex Livinalli Katia Gomez Claire Weinstein Luis Bordonada Vincent Fuentes Jermaine Washington 

    导演:Daniel Sawka

    简介:  A young boy becomes trapped inside America's rigi宫s中文版d immigration process. Feature adaptation of the 201搜神榜6 short film, 'Icebox'.


