

  • 最新美剧神探阿蒙 第二季

    主演:托尼·夏尔赫布 比蒂·施拉姆 泰德·拉文 贾森·加里-斯坦福德 

    导演:迪恩·帕里索,兰迪·奇斯克,迈克尔·斯皮勒,劳伦斯·特里林,卡尔·谢弗,汤姆·迪西罗,Michael Zinberg,Michael Fresco,托尼·比尔,克雷格·齐斯克

    简介:  Former police detective Adrian Monk (Tony Shalhoub), whose photographic memory and amazing ability to piece together tiny clues made him a local legend, has suffered from intensified obsessive-compulsive disorder and a variety of phobias since the unsolved murder of his wife, Trudy, in 1997. Now on psychiatric leave from the San Francisco Police Department and working as a freelance detective/ consultant on difficult cases, Monk hopes to convince his former boss, Captain Leland Stottlemeyer (Ted Levine), to allow him to return to the force. Stottlemeyer, who wavered between admiration for Monk and annoyance at his eccentricities during the first season, is becoming more of a friend to Monk as the series develops, frequently calling him in to help, as much for Monk's benefit as for his own. However, he knows Monk's limitations as well as his strengths and may still harbor doubts about the wisdom of allowing Monk to carry a gun or subdue a perpetrator. Stottlemeyer's second-in-command, Lieutenant Randall Disher (Jason Gray-Stanford), also seems to be developing both admiration and compassion for the man he once labeled "the defective detective."  Despite flaws and inadequacies all around, the three are becoming an increasingly effective team, with additional help from Monk's p八云家的大少爷ersonal assistant. From the double-episode pilot through the first half of season three, Monk was aided by his nurse, Sharona Fleming (Bitty Schram). But in the tenth episode of the third season, Sharona was replaced by a new assistant, Natalie Teeger (Traylor Howard). Like Sharona, a divorcee with a son named Benjy, Natalie is a single parent, a widow with a daughter named Julie (Emmy Clarke). Unlike Sharona, Natalie is not a nurse but a former bartender with a fresh perspective on "Mr. Monk," as she still addresses her new boss.

  • 最新美剧神探阿蒙 第三季

    主演:托尼·谢尔博 Tony Shalhoub 


    简介:  Monk and his friends arrive in New York to locate the man whom they were told has information about Trudy's murder. When they arr快宝贝再快一点ive at the hotel, the Latvian ambassador who is also staying there is killed. Monk saw the killer but only his ear. So he tries to help the NYPD solve the case hoping they wi奥特曼大电影在线观看ll help them find the man. When Monk goes downtown, he gets lost and gets swept up in all the chaos. In the meantime, Stottelmeyer learns the NYPD knows where the man is and is not我嗨 letting them see him. Written by www.2kyb.com

  • 最新美剧神探阿蒙 第五季

    主演:托尼·夏尔赫布 特蕾勒·霍华德 贾森·加里-斯坦福德 


    简介:  A TV producer has gotten the idea of developing a movie 雪薇老师based off of the events of Monk's capture of Steve Wagner in "Mr. Monk and the Astronaut." www.2kyb.com They have hired renowned actor David Ruskin to play Monk. However, to get into the role of Monk, Ruskin shadows his character for a couple of days as Monk investigates the linked homicides of a young woman killed in her ap乱肉合集乱500篇小说书架下载TXTartment and a pawnshop owner shot dead during a robbery. However, things get bad when Ruskin gets a little too into the role of Monk.

  • 最新美剧神探阿蒙 第六季

    主演:托尼·夏尔赫布 特蕾勒·霍华德 贾森·加里-斯坦福德 


    简介:  Marci Maven is accused of negligent homicide because her neighbor claims that her dog killed his wife. But she claims her dog died a few days ago. So she turns www.2kyb.com to Monk whom she's obsessed with for help. When he refuses to see her, she buys him at a bachelor auction. When Monk tells her what happened and when he looks a things he discovers a few anomalies.

  • 最新美剧神探阿蒙 第八季

    主演:托尼·夏尔赫布 特蕾勒·霍华德 贾森·加里-斯坦福德 


    简介:  Monk must reconcile reality wi东京不太热第一页th his fan-boy feelings toward an ac酷客影视电视剧tress who starred as a child in a Brady Bunch-style sitcom in his youth after an attempt on her life.

  • 最新美剧丑闻 第三季

    主演:凯丽·华盛顿 / 托尼·戈德温 / 凯蒂·洛斯 / 贝拉米·扬 / 斯考特·佛雷 / 古列雷莫·迪亚兹 / 哥伦布·绍特 / 约书亚·马林纳 / 杰夫·帕里 / 达比·斯坦奇菲尔德 

    导演:汤姆·维里卡 / 艾莉森·利迪-布朗 / 吉诺特·兹瓦克 / Oliver Bokelberg / 兰迪·奇斯克 / 朱莉·安妮·罗宾逊 / 迈克尔·卡特曼 / 艾娃·德约列 / 保罗·麦克兰尼 / 托尼·戈德温 / 黛比·艾伦

    简介:  从媒体关系顾问到总统新闻顾adc视频在线观看年龄确认问,Olivia Pope(Kerry Washington扮演)一辈子都在保护美国的秘密--对她来说,维护美国精英阶层的形象、避免让各种丑闻曝光对这个国家来说是极其重要的事情。小布什的总统任期结束后,和布什关系密切的Olivia离开了白宫,创办了自己的公关公司,希望就此揭开人生的新篇章--无论工作还是生活。可是她似乎无法完全摆脱过去--无论是她还是她的精英团队,他们能够「修复」任何人的生活,但却对自己生活中出现的问题无能为力。                        

  • 最新美剧丑闻 第四季

    主演:凯丽·华盛顿 / 哥伦布·绍特 

    导演:汤姆·维里卡 / 艾莉森·利迪-布朗 / 兰迪·奇斯克 / 保罗·麦克兰尼 / 吉诺特·兹瓦克 / Oliver Bokelberg / 朱莉·安妮·罗宾逊 / 托尼·戈德温 / 黛比·艾伦 / 雷吉娜·金 / David Rodriguez

    简介:  Olivia和Jake携手乘坐私人飞机离开了华盛顿,从此不问世事。                                                                      一转眼两个月过去,他们熟悉的一切都已经改变。Fitz成功连任总统,将继续在白宫里待四年。Fitz和Cyrus决心尽最大努力改变政治方向,扫除一切黑暗,给美国带来“正能量”。                                                                      与此同时,Mellie仍然深深沉浸在失去儿子的悲痛中。没有Olivia作为领袖,角斗士团队受到了极大的影响。                  &n东南电影bsp;      

  • 最新美剧识骨寻踪第十一季

    主演:大卫·伯伦纳兹 艾米丽·丹斯切尔 米谢拉·康琳 塔玛拉·泰勒 T·J·塞恩 


    简介:  FOX已哪里可以看一路向西续订《识骨寻踪》第11季。

  • 最新美剧丑闻第四季

    主演:凯丽·华盛顿 哥伦布·绍特 

    导演:汤姆·维里卡,艾莉森·利迪-布朗,兰迪·奇斯克,保罗·麦克兰尼,吉诺特·兹瓦克,Oliver Bokelberg,朱莉·安妮·罗宾逊,托尼·戈德温,黛比·艾伦,雷吉娜·金,David Rodriguez

    简介:  Olivia和Jake携手乘坐私人飞机离开了华盛顿,从此不问世事。  一转眼两个月过去,他们熟悉的一切都已经改变。Fitz成功连任总统,将继续在白宫里待四年。Fitz和Cyrus决心尽最大努力改变政治方向,扫除一切黑暗,给美国带来“正能量”。  与此同时,Mellie仍然深深沉浸在失去儿子的悲痛中。没有Olivia作为领袖,角斗士团队受到了极大的yellow高清在线观看西瓜影响。

  • 最新美剧丑闻第三季

    主演:凯丽·华盛顿 托尼·戈德温 凯蒂·洛斯 贝拉米·扬 斯考特·佛雷 古列雷莫·迪亚兹 哥伦布·绍特 约书亚·马林纳 杰夫·帕里 达比·斯坦奇菲尔德 

    导演:汤姆·维里卡,艾莉森·利迪-布朗,吉诺特·兹瓦克,Oliver Bokelberg,兰迪·奇斯克,朱莉·安妮·罗宾逊,迈克尔·卡特曼,艾娃·德约列,保罗·麦克兰尼,托尼·戈德温,黛比·艾伦

    简介:  从媒体关系顾538pro精品视频我们不只是问到总统新闻顾问,Olivia Pope(Kerry Washington扮演)一辈子都在保护美国的秘密--对她来说,维护美国精英阶层的形象、避免让各种丑闻曝光对这个国家来说是极其重要的事情。小布什的总统任期结束后,和布什关系密切的Olivia离开了白宫,创办了自己的公关公司,希望就此揭开人生的新篇章--无论工作还是生活。可是她似乎无法完全摆脱过去--无论是她还是她的精英团队,他们能够「修复」任何人的生活,但却对自己生活中出现的问题无能为力。


