

  • 欧美大片女招待

    主演:凯丽·拉塞尔 内森·菲利安 切瑞·海恩斯 杰瑞米·西斯托 安迪·格里菲斯 


    简介:  吉娜(凯丽•拉塞尔 饰)擅长制作各种美味非常的馅饼,她把每天在生活中的经历都化为做馅饼的灵感。但实际上她的生活并不快乐,她被一段名存实亡的婚姻困扰多年。  她一心想参加馅饼比赛,得到足够多的钱之后离开丈夫厄尔(杰瑞米•西斯托 饰)现自己怀孕了,她知道自己的丈夫是个自私的人,无法养育孩子。她十分迷茫之际,遇到了妇产科医生波马特(内森•菲利安 饰)并且两人疯狂的恋上了,波马特也是个已婚之人。她知道自己的行为是错误的,但她还是不能控制的与波马特见面,受尽良心谴责的她从朋友身上得到了很多的启示。  就在女儿出生当天,她决意要与丈夫分开,也要好好处理与波马特的关系。

  • 欧美大片八月迷情

    主演:乔纳森·莱斯·梅耶斯 弗莱迪·海默 罗宾·威廉姆斯 凯丽·拉塞尔 泰伦斯·霍华德 


    简介:  莱拉(凯丽•拉塞尔 Keri Russell 饰),一个出色的大提琴手;路易斯(乔纳森•莱斯•梅耶斯 Jonathan Rhys Meyers 饰),一名流浪的爱尔兰歌手。一个月色迷离的晚上,两人相遇了。度过难忘的一晚后,莱拉那专横的父亲又强逼她继续踏上音乐会的旅程。路易斯因等不到恋人失望之下离开了;而莱拉发觉爱人走后,独自伤心的等待肚中的孩子出生。岂料几个winny月后莱拉遭遇了一场车祸,宝宝亦随之夭折。孰料,莱拉的宝宝其实并没有死,而是被她狠心的父亲送到了孤儿院。一晃眼10多年过去了,生活在孤儿院的少年奥古斯特(弗莱迪•海默 Freddie Highmore 饰)坚信自己的父母还在世上,于是踏上了漫漫寻亲路。

  • 欧美大片平凡岁月的魅力

    主演:凯丽·拉塞尔 斯基特·乌尔里奇 


    简介:  一个受教育的福利院在线合集1000集年青女子未婚怀孕,她父亲强行安排她和孤单的农夫结婚。故事背景是二战。原本没有感情的两个人,莫名其妙地结了婚,经历了很久,终于互信互爱!

  • 欧美大片猩球崛起2:黎明之战

    主演:安迪·瑟金斯 杰森·克拉克 加里·奥德曼 凯丽·拉塞尔 托比·凯贝尔 柯蒂·斯密特-麦菲 柯克·埃斯沃多 尼克·瑟斯顿 泰瑞·诺塔里 卡琳·考诺娃 朱迪·格雷尔 乔恩·阿兹 恩里克·穆西安诺 拉勒米·道克·肖 李·罗斯 


    简介:  十年前,人类为自己的愚蠢付出惨痛代价,凶险致命的猿流感病毒蔓延全球,世界毁灭殆尽。而在毗邻旧金山的原始丛林,凯撒(安迪·瑟金斯 Andy Serkis 饰)带领猩猩伙伴们建立起无忧无虑的王国,直到某一天,猩猩的家园的宁静再度被人类打破。在旧城苟延残喘的人类面临能源危机,他们试图利用森林八戒八戒手机视频在线观看腹地大坝的发电站提供能源。青年科学家马尔科姆(杰森·克拉科 Jason Clarke 饰)试图说服聚集地负责人德里弗斯(加里·奥德曼 Gary Oldman 饰),希望通过和平手段取得猩猩部落的信任和同意。然而凯撒的好盟友科巴(托比·凯贝尔 Toby Kebbell 饰)却无法摒除对人类的憎恨,他尝试着挑战者凯撒的权威。  人类和猩猩,双方小心翼翼试探,而战争在所难免 黑吃黑第二季完整版在线观看……

  • 欧美大片碟中谍3

    主演:汤姆·克鲁斯 菲利普·塞默·霍夫曼 文·瑞姆斯 比利·克鲁德普 米歇尔·莫纳汉 乔纳森·莱斯·梅耶斯 凯丽·拉塞尔 李美琪 西蒙·佩吉 埃迪·马森 劳伦斯·菲什伯恩 巴哈·索莫克 杰夫·蔡斯 小迈克尔·贝瑞 卡拉·盖洛 贝拉米·扬 简·达利 格雷戈·格伦伯格 罗丝·洛林斯 萨莎·亚历山大 特雷西·米登道夫 亚伦·保尔 凯瑟琳·费奥雷 肖恩·奥布赖恩 布鲁斯·弗兰奇 Ellen Bry Tony G 


    简介:  伊森(汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise 饰)曾是任职于特殊部门的秘密特工,自从一位名叫茱莉亚(米歇尔·莫娜汉 Michelle Monaghan 饰)的美丽女子出现在他的生命里后,伊森决定金盆洗手,卸甲归田。遗憾的是,好景不长,幸福的生活还没过多久,伊森便接到了徒弟林德赛(凯丽·拉塞尔 Keri Russell 饰)被死对头戴维恩菠萝菠萝蜜高清视频在线观看免费(菲利普·塞默·霍夫曼 Philip Seymour H双修无极 小说offman 饰)掳走的消息。戴维恩冷酷又凶残,林德赛落入他的手中可谓是凶多吉少。  为了解救林德赛,伊森重操旧业,他组织了一支精干的特工小组,向着目标人物发起了进攻。让伊森没有想到的是,戴维恩的真正目标并不是林德赛,而是茱莉亚,当爱妻落入敌手之时,伊森会做出怎样的反击?

  • 欧美大片鹿角

    主演:凯丽·拉塞尔 杰西·普莱蒙 杰里米·T·托马斯 格雷厄姆·格林 斯科特·黑兹 罗利·科奇瑞恩 埃米·马迪根 索耶·琼斯 科迪·戴维斯 Lyla Marlow 杰西·唐斯 阿洛·哈伊杜 多里安·金 肯·克拉默 丹德里·泰勒 格利尼斯·戴维斯 迈克尔·艾克朗德 杰伊·布拉泽奥 丽莎·克罗马蒂 


    简介:  俄勒冈州一名小镇的老师跟她的镇上警长哥哥发现了一铠甲勇士激斗传3件惊世骇俗的案件,他们察觉一位年轻的小学生行为举止十分异常,孤僻的个性以及诡异的谈话,驱使这对兄妹介入小学生的家庭调查背后隐藏的秘密,没想到竟掀起一阵腥风血雨的风暴,而古老的传说不再是天方夜谭空中决战豆瓣,恶魔的苏醒也将带来毁灭式的反扑……

  • 欧美大片星球大战9:天行者崛起

    主演:黛西·雷德利 亚当·德赖弗 奥斯卡·伊萨克 约翰·博耶加 马克·哈米尔 凯丽·费雪 比利·迪·威廉姆斯 伊恩·麦克迪阿梅德 凯丽·拉塞尔 哈里森·福特 朱迪·科默 比利·豪尔 露皮塔·尼永奥 多姆纳尔·格里森 凯莉·玛丽·陈 乔纳斯·索塔莫 比莉·洛德 安东尼·丹尼尔斯 娜奥米·阿基 理查德·E·格兰特 多米尼克·莫纳汉 格雷戈·格伦伯格 艾德·希兰 林-曼努尔·米兰达 


    简介:  本片为2017年电影《星球大战:最后的绝地武士》的续集,“星球大战后传三哈哈漫画无限观看部曲”的第三部作品,同时是“天行者传奇”的第九部作品以及最终章。在卢克·天行者化为绝天津金逸国际影城地英灵的一年后,残存的抵抗势力将再次面对第一秩序。同时,绝地和西斯之间的大战将天行者的传奇带到最后。

  • 最新美剧费丽丝蒂 第一季

    主演:凯丽·拉塞尔 斯考特·佛雷 斯科特·斯比德曼 格雷戈·格伦伯格 Tangi Miller 

    导演:Lawrence Trilling,哈瑞·温勒

    简介:  Felicity Porter为了追寻高中时暗恋的男友Ben,放弃了去斯坦福医学院的机会,来到3000公里以外的纽约只为了和Ben在一起。可是Ben连Feli歪歪漫画漫画首页入city的名字都不一定记得起。面对离开父母后独立的新生活,真实的展现了大学生活,及Felicity和她的新朋友们步入成年后面对人生的种种重大选择。

  • 最新美剧费丽丝蒂 第二季

    主演:凯丽·拉塞尔 斯考特·佛雷 斯科特·斯比德曼 

    导演:Lawrence Trilling

    简介:  Season 2, Episode 1: Sophomoric  Original Air Date—26 September 1999  Felicity starts her second year at college with a possible new relationship, and the aftermath of her decision to cope with. Elsewhere, housing shortages cause unusual living arrangements.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 2: The List  Original Air Date—3 October 1999  Ben worries about Felicity's expectations of him, Sean and Julie throw a party, and Felicity tries unsuccessfully to counsel one of her charges.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 3: Ancient History  Original Air Date—10 October 1999  Felicity's decision about her hair leads to even more life changes, Julie looks for an apartment, and Noel takes an art class.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 4: The Depths  Original Air Date—17 October 1999  A stalled subway train forces Felicity and Julie to confront each other, Noel and Ruby go to an art show, and Ben stands up to a client.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 5: Crash  Original Air Date—24 October 1999  Noel and Elena become obsessed with a video game, Felicity goes out on a blind date set up by her professor, and Ben is confused by Maggie's actions.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 6: The Love Bug  Original Air Date—7 November 1999  Felicity, Ben, and Noel each deal with uncertainties in their individual reBT磁力天堂torrentkittylationships, and Mono hits campus just in time for mid-terms.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 7: Getting Lucky  Original Air Date—14 November 1999  A stray dog Felicity picks up on the street impinges on everyone's lives, and provides her with plenty of excuses for not taking the next step with David.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 8: Family Affairs  Original Air Date—21 November 1999  Holiday gatherings are difficult for Felicity and Ben. Ben, because he has to work a party given by Maggie's husb心花路放高清下载and, and Felicity feels pressure from an unexpected family visit and from David.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 9: Portraits  Original Air Date—19 December 1999  Felicity and Noel struggle against feelings for each other while worrying how their actions will affect their grade, Ruby makes a surprise visit, Julie meets a music producer, and Ben is on short-time to complete a final in American Lit.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 10: Great Expectations  Original Air Date—16 January 2000  Felicity's father accepts a position in town, and his never-ending presence begins to grate, Ben reconsiders his decision about Felicity, and Julie begins to doubt the intentions of Erik.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 11: Help for the Lovelorn  Original Air Date—23 January 2000  This episode, a tribute to The Twilight Zone, follows Felicity as she tries to heal her broken heart and strange doings at The Clinic.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 12: The Slump  Original Air Date—6 February 2000  Ben and Felicity are forced into counseling for their prank at the pool, Elena gets a new lab partner, and Noel's argument with Ruby is more serious than he thought.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 13: Truth or Consequences  Original Air Date—13 February 2000  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 14: True Colors  Original Air Date—20 February 2000  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 15: Things Change  Original Air Date—27 February 2000  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 16: Revolutions  Original Air Date—5 April 2000  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 17: Docuventary II  Original Air Date—12 April 2000  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 18: Party Lines  Original Air Date—19 April 2000  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 19: Running Mates  Original Air Date—26 April 2000  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 20: Ben Was Here  Original Air Date—3 May 2000  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 21: The Aretha Theory  Original Air Date—10 May 2000  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 22: Final Answer  Original Air Date—17 May 2000  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 23: The Biggest Deal There Is  Original Air Dat自杀专卖店e—24 May 2000

  • 最新美剧费丽丝蒂 第三季

    主演:凯丽·拉塞尔 斯考特·佛雷 斯科特·斯比德曼 

    导演:Stephen Gyllenhaal

    简介:  1  The Christening (4-Oct-2000)  2  The Anti-Natalie Intervention (11-Oct-2000)  3  Hello, I Must Be Going (18-Oct-2000)  4  Greeks and Geeks (25-Oct-2000)  5  Surprise (1-Nov-2000)  6  One Ball, Two Strikes (8-Nov-2000)  7  Kissing Mr. Covington (15-Nov-2000)  8  A Good Egg (22-Nov-2000)  9  James a2021年最尺寸最大直播平台nd the Giant Piece (29-Nov-2000)  10  Final Touches (6-Dec-2000)  11  And to All a Good Night (13-Dec-2000)  12  Girlfight (18-Apr-2001)  13  Blackout (25-Apr-2001)  14  The Break-Up Kit (2-May-2001)  15  Senioritis (9-May-2001)  16  It's Raining Men (16-May-2001)  17  The Last Summer Ever (23-May-2001)

  • 最新美剧费丽丝蒂 第四季

    主演:凯丽·拉塞尔 斯考特·佛雷 斯科特·斯比德曼 

    导演:Lawrence Trilling,Harry Winer

    简介:  Season 4, Episode 1: The Declaration  Original Air Date—10 October 2001  Javier goes crazy planning a wedding, Ben comes home w成都黑帽吴施蒙事件ith a plan, and Felicity and Noel struggle with their futures.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 2: My Best Friend's Wedding  Original Air Date—17 October 2001  Noel and Felicity deal with the consequences of their encounter, Elena and Tracy's wedding is threatened by various incidents, and Sean and Meghan make a decision.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 3: Your Money or Your Wife  Original Air Date—24 October 2001  Meghan's parents insist on meeting Sean and his family, Ben struggles in organic chemistry, and Felicity has tuition issues.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 4: Miss Conception  Original Air Date—31 October 2001  Felicity competes in a beauty pageant and against an under-handed competitor, Meghan has to make a decision regarding her family, Noel gets an unexpected job offer, and Ben finds a lab test voucher.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 5: Boooz  Original Air Date—7 November 2001  A dismal exam result and a disastrous encounter with the instructor send Ben and his lab partner on a binge, Noel and Javier go to Atlantic City, and Felicity's pageant comes back to haunt her.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 6: Oops... Noel Did It Again  Original Air Date—14 November 2001  Bens father is sick and disrupts birthday plans for Felicity, Noel chafes at the tedium of his guidance job, and new roommates tax Elena's patience.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 7: The Storm  Original Air Date—21 November 2001  Noel begins a new graphics job, Ben's mother comes to town, and Felicity tries to make it up to Ben.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 8: The Last Thanksgiving  Original Air Date—28 November 2001  Felicity and company spend what may be their last Thanksgiving together. Meanwhile, Noel and his brother have a rather calamitous one.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 9: Moving On  Original Air Date—5 December 2001  Things unresolved between Ben and Felicity result in matchmaking attempts by their friends, Noel sees a doctor.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 10: Fire  Original Air Date—12 December 2001  Noel is advised to stop seeing Felicity for awhile, Ben has a major O-chem exam he's having trouble studying for, and Felicity makes another attempt to get into an Art Honors program.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 11: A Perfect Match  Original Air Date—19 December 2001  A snowstorm proves fortuitous for Felicity, Ben's father has a crisis, and Noel starts his business with an unexpected partner.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 12: Future Shock  Original Air Date—20 March 2002  Lauren makes an announcement to Ben. Noel and Sean bid for an account against the company who fired him, and Felicity is conflicted when pressured by her mother to consider another career.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 13: Kiss and Tell  Original Air Date—27 March 2002  Tensions between Noel and Zoe rise. Sean and Meghan need different things from their relationship, and Ben confronts his dad and Felicity.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 14: Raising Arizona  Ben's struggles with Lauren to maintain contact put him and Felicity at risk, especially when she seeks solace from Noel. Noel, meanwhile, has relationship issues of his own, and Meghan and Javier compete for the same part.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 15: The Paper Chase  Original Air Date—10 April 2002  Under stress, Felicity does the unthinkable, Noel and Sean have business conflicts, and Javier must make a decision about what to tell a friend.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 16: Ben Don't Leave  Original Air Date—17 April 2002  Felicity faces the hearing for her paper against a backdrop of stress as Lauren decides to leave early, and a car accident occurs. Meanwhile, Noel - spurred on by Sean - begins to doubt Zoe's interest in him.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 17: The Graduate  Original Air Date—24 April 2002  Felicity finds out whether she will graduate, and Ben makes a decision about his future. Noel and Sean have a career crisis, and Felicity's parents descend.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 18: Time Will Tell  Original Air Date—1 May 2002  The death of a friend sinks Felicity into a depression, and when she finds out Ben has been cheating on her she reevaluates the choices she has made.  ----------------------------------------写的比较细的开车的百合小说----------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 19: The Power of the Ex  Original Air Date—8 May 2002  Felicity's choices affect everyone, and someone unexpected re-enters Noel's life.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 20: Spin the Bottle  Original Air Date—15 May 2002  Ben challenges Felicity on her decision to leave him, Noel and Felicity decide to move in together, and Julie visits, creating havoc.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 21: Felicity Interrupted  Original Air Date—22 May 2002  Concerned for Felicity's sanity, Noel and Ben take action. Meghan plays with Sean for revenge, and Ben and Julie plan a road trip.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 22: Back to the Future  Original Air Date—22 May 2002  Devastated by a tragedy she believes is her fault, Felicty tries to put things right.

  • 欧美大片琼斯的自由国度

    主演:马修·麦康纳 古古·姆巴塔-劳 马赫沙拉·阿里 凯丽·拉塞尔 布莱丹·格里森 雅库布·洛弗兰德 肖恩·布里吉格斯 布拉德·卡特 克里斯托弗·贝瑞 乔·克里斯特 大卫·詹森 马特·林茨 杰西卡·科林斯 加里·格鲁布斯 


    简介:  这部影片改编抓灰系列20篇自真实历史事件,讲述的是美国历史上最知名的一位叛逆:纽顿-奈特(Newton Knight)的故事。奈特是密西西比当地人,南北战争中他从南军叛逃,组织了一队士兵,在自己的家乡建立了名为“琼斯的自由国度”的国家。奈特不仅与一位黑人女奴结婚,拒绝回到南军服役,更是在密西欧美同志高清vivoeso西比这块邦联政府的属地解放黑奴,这在当时的美国实属罕见,也让他成为密西西比当地的一位传奇人物。

  • 欧美大片亲爱的,我把孩子放大了

    主演:里克·莫拉尼斯 玛西亚·斯特拉斯曼 罗伯特·奥利维里 丹尼尔·沙利卡尔 乔舒亚·沙利卡尔 劳埃德·布里吉斯 约翰·希亚 凯丽·拉塞尔 罗恩·坎纳达 Amy O'Neill 迈克尔·米尔汉 格雷戈里·西拉 莱斯莉·尼尔 Julia Sweeney 琳达·卡尔森 Lisa Mende 约翰·帕拉贡 肯尼斯·托比 比尔·莫斯利 


    简介:  三年后,科学家韦恩·斯萨林斯基(里克·莫拉尼斯Rick Moranis饰)一家人搬到内华达州的滨海社区,继续他的电磁分子研究。三年前,他曾经因为操作不当把孩子们的身体“缩小”了,闹出了一连串啼笑皆非的菠萝菠萝蜜影院播放故事。而这次,糊涂韦恩仍旧重蹈覆辙,大摆乌龙。在一次实验过程中,只有两喇叭裤飘荡在1983岁的小儿子亚当,居然被“变大”了。小亚当只要一接触电流,身体就会不停的长大。一家人展开了挽救行动,可这根本跟不上小亚当的变大速度。转眼间,小亚当已经长成足有3500公分的巨婴。而更麻烦的是,小亚当居然跑上了街头,朝着赌城拉斯维加斯走去,于是他的奇妙大冒险就这样开始了。  小亚当能否缩小回正常婴儿的大小,乌龙科学家韦恩又是否能再次摆脱囧境,一家团聚呢24小时在线播放免费观看视频?

  • 欧美大片熊嗨了

    主演:马修·瑞斯 布鲁克琳·普林斯 雷·利奥塔 阿尔登·埃伦瑞奇 小奥谢拉·杰克逊 克里斯托弗·海维尤 汉娜·霍克斯特拉 玛格·马丁戴尔 凯丽·拉塞尔 小伊塞亚·维特洛克 杰西·泰勒·弗格森 克里斯蒂安·康佛瑞 卡云·金 亚伦·霍利戴 阿尤拉·斯马特 J·B·莫尔 莱奥·哈纳 斯科特·赛斯 肖恩·康奈兰 康纳·兰伯特 乔治·科斯雷克 阿兰·亨利 



  • 最新美剧头号外交官

    主演:凯丽·拉塞尔 卢夫斯·塞维尔 大卫·吉亚西 罗里·金尼尔 奥托·艾森度 阿丽·安 Jon Moore Adam Silver 巴夫·乔希 埃里克·蒂德 安娜·弗兰科利尼 Joey Eden 西莉亚·伊姆里 佩妮·唐尼 黛博拉·卡恩 希滕·珀泰尔 安德鲁·G·奥格尔比 米盖尔·桑多瓦尔 奥利弗·莫尔特曼 礼萨·迪亚科 毕扬·丹斯曼 James Beaumont 马克·贾尼塞洛 戴纳·哈克乔 Meli 


    简介:  凯特·怀勒(凯丽·拉塞尔饰)是新任美国驻英国大使。原本应该域名停靠一青草视频去阿富汗的她在危机地区如鱼得水,而在一座历史悠久的房子里…就没那么自在了。战争在一片大陆上酝酿,在另一片大陆上沸腾。凯特不得不化解国际危机,在伦敦建立战略联盟,并适应她在聚光灯下的新位置 — 与此同时,她还要努力维持与职业外交官兼政治明星哈尔·怀勒(卢夫斯·塞维尔饰)的婚姻。《头号外交官》由剧集主管黛博拉·卡恩(《白宫风云》《国土安全》)打造,是一部危机四伏的当代政治剧情片,讲述了国家和人民之间长期动荡的关系。其他主演阵容还包括大卫·吉亚西、阿丽·安、罗里·金尼尔和奥托·艾森度,黛博拉·卡恩、贾尼丝·威廉斯和凯丽·拉塞尔共同担任监制。


