

  • 欧美大片蜜月惊魂1956

    主演:多丽丝·黛 路易斯·乔丹 巴瑞·萨里万 弗兰克·洛夫乔伊 杰克·凯利 安·鲁滨逊 


    简介:  A terrified wife tries to escape from her i卿卿我心电视剧免费观看nsanely jealous husband who is bent on kill月光影视免费视频大全ing her.

  • 欧美大片决不撤退!

    主演:弗兰克·洛夫乔伊 理查德·加尔森 安妮塔·露易丝 


    简介:  【剧情简介】1950黑道小说下载年11月,美军冲过三八线追击溃败北朝鲜军队的美军海军陆战队第一师和第七步兵师,在中朝边境进攻清津水库地区时,遭到中国人民志愿军优势兵力的猛烈反击,陷入中朝军队的重围之中。美军总部下令全面撤退。美军海军陆战队史密斯将军却公然违抗总部命令,下令部下反击中朝部队。海军陆战队斯提夫上尉率领一个营担任掩护任务,经过浴血激战,终于和主力部队一起冲出对方的包围圈。  影评界认为这部影片是正面描写朝鲜战争双方的少有影片之一。它一方面以正面手法再现了中国人民志愿军入朝初期青青草干免费线观看排山倒海的反击规模,同时也歌颂了美军海军陆战队顽强作战的斗志。影片中一个美军下士,刚满17岁,但是在一次夜战中身负三处枪伤的情况下坚守阵地,保证了主峰的安全。该片的另外一个独特之处是大量使用战场实地拍摄的记录片片段。当炮弹在镜头里爆炸时,摄影机剧烈抖动,使观众有i do电影如临其境之感。

  • 欧美大片愤怒之声

    主演:凯思琳·赖安 理查德·加尔森 弗兰克·洛夫乔伊 

    导演:Cy Endfield

    简介:  Howard Tyler (Frank Lovejoy) is a family man, living in California, who can't seem to get by financially. He meets up with a small-time, but charismatic, hood Jerry Slocum (Lloyd Bridges). Soon, Slocum convinces Tyler to participate in gas station robberies to get by. Later, they kidnap a wealthy man in hopes of getting a huge ransom. Things go wrong when the man is murdered by Slocum then thrown in a lake. Tyler reaches his limit emotionally, and he begins drinking heavily. He meets a lonely woman and confesses the crime while drunk. The woman flees and goes to the police.  When the two 旺道seo工具kidnappers are arrested, a local journalist (Richard Carlson) writes a series of hate-filled articles about the two prisoners which eventually lead to a brutal lynching.  The despair of the lower middle-class: A family man ashamed of being unemployed allows himself to be convinced by a gangster to take part in a kidnapping. The police arrests them both and the anger of the small town’s population is unforgiving. THE SOUND OF FURY is a dark crime movie that builds up to an apocalyptic storm, but never loses sight of social realities, thus telling a lot about the daily despair of the working-class. A masterpiece, it was Cy Endfield’s last film before he felt compelled to move to Britain.

  • 欧美大片血战桥头堡

    主演:托尼·柯蒂斯 玛丽·墨菲 弗兰克·洛夫乔伊 


    简介:  托尼·柯蒂斯在影片中av岛国小电影在线观看饰演一名勇敢机智的海军陆战队员,在二次世界大战中张婉悠厕所门快播,他随同班长前往南太平洋一个小岛上进行危险的救人任务。营救目标是在岛上开垦的法国人,并要研判这名法国人提供的日军埋藏地雷线索是否正花与蛇3之白衣绳奴确。

  • 欧美大片搭便车的人1953

    主演:艾德蒙·奥布莱恩 弗兰克·洛夫乔伊 威廉·塔尔曼 

    导演:Ida Lupino

    简介:  Two carefree young travellers make the mista污到你那里滴水的文ke of their live善良的小峓子在钱完整版s when they pick up a mysterious, and slightly psychotic, hitch-hiker who never closes his right eye -- 审讯室女殖器酷刑even when he sleeps!


