

  • 欧美大片德古拉1931

    主演:贝拉·卢戈西 尼古拉斯·贝洛 黛西·贝尔莫尔 德怀特·弗莱伊 大卫·曼纳斯 海伦·钱德勒 


    简介:  吸血鬼德古拉伯爵住在喀尔巴千山的深处,一个年轻地产经纪帮他把房产迁到伦敦,却被他惑为奴役并一路一个人看的www在线高清护送吸血鬼到伦敦。年轻女子露西被他吸血沦为吸血鬼,同时还危及其朋友米娜,米娜父亲八月迷情 下载终于识破吸血鬼真面目,决心要保护米娜……经典恐怖片,大导演哥普拉92年曾据此重拍《惊情四百年》。

  • 欧美大片吸血鬼的印记

    主演:贝拉·卢戈西 莱昂纳尔·巴里摩尔 伊丽莎白·艾兰 


    简介:  Sir Karell Borotyn appears to have been killed by Count Mora, a vampire believed to haunt the local village. Now his daughter Irena is the count's next target. Enter Professor Zelen, an expert on vampires who's sent in to prevent her death. At the same纨绔世子妃txt下载 time, secrets are revealed surrounding the circumstances of Sir Karell's death.

  • 欧美大片魔鬼玩偶

    主演:莱昂纳尔·巴里摩尔 莫琳·奥沙利文 弗兰克·劳顿 


    简介:  After seventeen years in prison, the former respected Parisian banker Paul Lavond flees with his friend, the lunatic scientist Marcel that is researching with his wife Malita the miniaturization of animals and human beings to improve the resources of mankind. Paul Lavond was framed for robbery by his scoundrel associates Emil Coulvet, Charles Matin and Victor Radin that had stolen his business while his family was doomed to shame, poverty and tragedy. When Marcel reduces the retarded servant Lachna, he learns that the woman is motionless and only responds to the control of his brain and has a heart attack. After the death of Marcel, Paul Lavond sees the chance to use the miniaturization process as instrument of vengeance and he travels to Paris with the insane Malita disguised of Madame Mandilip, a nice old lady and owner of a dolls store. P第一次为什么要用毛巾垫着aul Lavond, using the identity of Madame Mandilip, befriends his resented and estranged daughter Lorraine Lavond and plots a scheme to revenge and vindicate his family name.


