

  • 欧美大片白光/黑雨:广岛长崎之毁灭

    主演:Harold Agnew Dr. Shuntaro Hida Kiyoko Imori 

    导演:Steven Okazaki

    简介:  在经济高速发展的今天,人们执著于优渥的物质生活,而开始遗忘曾经的创痛。  广岛和长崎,两个曾遭受原子弹毁灭的城市,而今活跃在这里的年轻人们已经遗忘了半个多世纪前的战争和笼罩在祖辈头顶上空的蘑菇云。但对某一类人来说avav123,这确是一段永生难忘的恐怖记忆。本片采访了经历过原爆的生还者,他们回忆了战争时期的生活、原爆的恐怖瞬间、爆炸后的残酷场面以及之后身心所遭受的无尽痛苦。与此相对,剧组还参访了当天执行轰炸任务的美国老兵,听他们谈论缘份天空了投放原子弹时交杂矛盾的感受……

  • 欧美大片绅士之死

    主演:Jonathan Agnew David Becker Ian Chappell 

    导演:Johnny Collins,Sam Collins,Jarrod Kimber

    简介:  Two cricket journalists set off玉蒲团 qvod on a journey to the heart of the game they love, only to stumble月夜直播免费 upon one of the biggest sporting scandals ever. This is a film about passion, greed, power - and standing up for what you care about.on call 36小时2

  • 欧美大片春之插曲

    主演:Luke Agnew Alayne Dick Hannah Herchenbach 



  • 欧美大片第25号座位

    主演:凯特·阿什菲尔德 尼古拉斯·班克斯 Daniel Brennan 

    导演:Nicholas Agnew

    简介:  When Faye Banks secretly enters a competition to win a seat on the first manned mission to Mars, she never expects to 远大前程第二部win. But when the dan斗罗大陆192gerous one way trip becomes a reality, her life on Earth is turned upside down. With time running out, Faye must decide whether to leave her husband, family and friends, or has the prospect of leaving for ever made her realis1月22王菲48岁产子e what she has here on Earth?


