

  • 欧美大片来自远方2021

    主演:詹·科莱拉 Petrina Bromley De'Lon Grant Joel Hatch Tony LePage Q. Smith Caesar Samayoa Astrid Van Wieren Emily Walton Jim Walton Sharon Wheatley Paul Whitty 


    简介:  托尼奖获奖百老汇音乐剧《来自远方》(Come from Away)将被改编成电影,The Mark Gordo海贼王325n Company投资制片,原作者、词曲家Irene Sankoff和David Hein将编写剧本,剧版导演克里斯托弗·阿免费电视连续剧什利也确定执导影片。设定在9·11事件之后,38架飞机意外迫降加拿大纽芬兰与拉布拉多省的小镇Gander,7000名旅客滞留。在被迫停飞的处境下,小镇的居民热情地欢迎并接纳了所有旅客,他们的慷慨善良与恐怖袭击形成了鲜明的对比。文化相互碰撞,人们情绪高涨,不安感转变为信任,音乐响彻深夜,感激最终形成了长久的友谊。  该音乐剧大获成功,评论极佳,获7项托尼奖提名,最终获得最佳音开始推理吧在线观看乐剧导演奖。

  • 欧美大片黑洞拦截

    主演:Paul Koslo Jan-Michael Vincent Tara Buckman 

    导演:Harry Bromley Davenport

    简介:  Scientists at a secret underground complex have found a way to travel to 杨幂谢霆锋三小时五个套another dimension. Three dimension-travellers are the first to go through the gate - but are soon attacked by something that interrupts the communication with Earth. This horrible something uses the gate to travel back to the underground complex. Most of the staff are evacuated, except four heavily-armed militaries and Dr. Casserly and Dr. Summerfield who just can't stand each other...

  • 欧美大片截杀外星人


    导演:Harry Bromley Davenport

    简介:  柯恩被美国徵召到远洋海岛进行一个扫雷行动,出到岛上,柯恩立刻察觉事有蹊跷。柯恩的手下在扫雷时意外炸破一栋建筑物,外星人向他们攻击,众人逃出,在洞外又发现一个老人,老人率众人到他居住的洞穴。在洞内,柯恩得知在1995年时,飞碟坠毁,美军派员到岛上进行研究,外星人反击,研究组全死于非命,仅留下老人,柯恩设计将外星人陷住,并安排逃离岛外的木筏…

  • 欧美大片西行记

    主演:John Wayne Sheila Bromley Frank McGlynn Jr. James Farley Jack Curtis Bradley Metcalfe Dickie Jones Mary MacLaren Yakima Canutt Hank Bell Glenn Strange The Singing Riders 


    简介:  As a youngster John Wyatt saw his paren向日葵下载app下载免费版下载iosts killed and his brother kidnapped. On a wagon train heading West he meets his brother who is now a spy for the gang which originally did the dirty work. He and his brother both fall for Mary Gordon.@www.molikan.com


