

  • 欧美大片爵士歌手1927

    主演:阿尔•乔生 梅·麦卡沃伊 华纳·欧兰德 尤金妮亚·贝塞雷尔 Otto Lederer 罗伯特·戈登 理查德·塔克 Cantor Joseff Rosenblatt 


    简介:  剧情描述一个犹太拉比的儿子一心想成为百老汇明星,唱歌跳舞。此举遭到家长的强烈反对。他们只想让他成为犹太教仪式中的领唱。但是深深热爱爵士乐的儿子一心只想唱流行歌曲……多年后,背井离乡,更名改姓的他终于登上了舞台,在旧金山的夜店酒吧冰封侠重生之门国语里,他实现了自己的理想,成了一名爵士歌手。  第一部有声片,但其中只有很少几段对白,但足以让当年的观众大吃一惊。这部影片使歌舞喜欧洲华人论坛剧演员乔尔森(Al Jolson)大享盛名,并彻底改变整个电影业的轨迹。曾多次重拍,1980年版由尼尔·戴蒙和劳伦斯·奥利弗主演。

  • 欧美大片恐怖 信仰与天才 - 哥特艺术


    导演:Grit Lederer

    简介:  Death and the devil. Nudity, erotici5555色sm and horror. With its daring subjects and blazing colors, the art of the Gothic period captivated viewers some 500 years ago, and still affects us deeply, today. Focuses on some of the most spectacular panels and paintings of the Gothic period. The mid-15th century saw the creation of works like "Purgatory," "Hell," and "Paradise." Gothic specialists introduce us to these works, while explaining just how innovative Gothic painting really was. They walk us through the beauty of the colors, show us just how daring the erotic scenes 小姐姐app改成什么名了can be, and highlight the raw power of the devils and monsters. Art historian and director Grit Lederer explains how special macro-optic technology sheds new light on the artworks' tiniest details, while the storied Cologne Cathedral opens at midnight to let art historians examine the "Liebeszauber" painting, still shrouded in mystery to this day.


