

  • 最新美剧科塔工厂第三季

    主演:Ahsaas Channa 吉滕德拉·库马尔 Mayur More 蒂洛塔玛·索姆 

    导演:Pratish Mehta


  • 最新美剧拣选第四季

    主演:Shahar Isaac 帕拉斯·帕特尔 Elizabeth Tabish Jonathan Roumie 

    导演:Dallas Jenkins

    简介:  The Chosen is a historical drama based on the li意甲直播吧fe of Jesus and those who knew him. Set against the backdrop of Jewish oppression in first-cent东京爱情故事日语版ury Israel, the series shares an authentic look at Jesus' revolutionary life and teachings.

  • 最新美剧湿婆神

    主演:Sonarika Bhadoria Chari Asopa Arun Bali Vicky Batra Annapurna Vitthal Bhairi Rajeev Bharadwaj Prabhat Bhattacharya Ahsaas Channa Shailesh Dattar 潘卡吉.蒂尔 Ragini Dubey Radha Krishna Dutt Darshan Gandas A 

    导演:Nikhil Sinha Nikhil Sinha

    简介:  Devon Ke Dev...Mahadev is a Hindu spiritual television drama series which airs on Life OK channel. It premiered on 18 December, 2011 and showcases the story of Lord Shiva, also called as Mahadev.  The drama is inspired by the works of Devdutt Pattanaik. The story has been researched from Bodhisattva and has been penned up by Mihir Bhuta.  Devon Ke Dev...Mahadev is the story of the Hindu God Shiva, also called as Mahadev. The show portrays his journey from a hermit to a house holder. In the show Shiva takes many incarnations and many incidents take place. However, this plot mentions only the major events.  The story starts with the tale of Shiva's marriage with Sati. Sati who is the daughter of Prajapati Daksha, a staunch Vishnu devotee, is drawn towards Shiva against the wishes of her father. She finally marries Shiva, but soon dies by self-immolation when her husband is insulted at the yajna of Daksha. The grief-striken Shiva produces Virabhadra, who slays Daksha, however he restores Daksha's life after beseeching of Daksha's wife. A distraught Shiva leaves with burnt corpse of Sati and wanders the universe. Vishnu severs the body into pieces, shattering them on earth. Shiva transforms the pieces into Shakti Peethas, embodiments of the power of the Goddess Adi Shakti.  Sati is reborn as Parvati, the daughter of Himavan, king of the Himalayas and Mainavati. She is also the sister of the river-goddess, Ganga. Parvati is raised in the hermitage of the Shiva devotee sage Dadhichi, who teaches her devotion to Shiva. Parvati grows up and like Sati, is captivated by Shiva. She slowly remembers her past life, then wins Shiva by her austerities leading to their marriage.  Shiva and Parvati give birth to Kartikeya, who slays the demon Tarakasura and his brothers. Kartikeya is also nominated for the throne of the King of Devas but Shiva asks Indra to continue as the king. After this Kartikeya is sent to the Dakshin (south) where he is cared by Meenakshi and here he slays the demon (asura), Tripath with her help. The story goes on with the tale of the destruction of Tripura, belonging to the revengeful sons of Tarakasura, who were earlier given boons by Shiva. And just before the destruction of the Tripura, Shiva and Parvati's daughter, Ashoksundari is born.  After the destruction of Tripura, except Lord Indra (the King of Devas) everyone congratulate Shiva for destructing Tripura and also for being the father of Ashokasundari. Rishi Durvasa gives him a special garland, which Shiva gave Narada as prasadam. When given Lord Indra accepts the garland placing it on the trunk of his elephant, Airavata to proof that he is egoistic throws it. This enrages the sage and he curses Indra and evryone to be bereft of all wealth and fortune. Soon later to take revenge on the destruction of Tripura, King Bali attacks heaven and in attempt to steal Amrita (nectar of immortality). But it falls into the Ocean of milk. To get the Amrit back Devas join hands with Asuras to churn the ocean for the Amrita and to share it among them.  The churning of the ocean, known as Samudra Manthan is an elaborate process. In the process the Devas disadvantage the Asuras in many ways. Despite this, they churn the ocean. In the process Lord Vishnu al含羞草实验室入口免费网站直接进入so takes his second incarnation of a turtle, Kurma.  The process releases a number of things from the ocean. One product is the lethal poison known as Halahala. This could contaminate the ocean and destroy all of creation. To save everyone Lord Shiva inhales the poison in an act of self-sacrifice but Parvati rescues him by pressing his neck to stop the poison from spreading. As a result, the color of Lord Shiva's neck turns blue. During the churning many things are obtained from the ocean which includes Lakshmi, the Goddess of fortune and wealth, who is the eternal consort of Vishnu. Thus, everyone gets their wealth and fortune back. Later Vishnu takes the Amrita secretly from the Asuras and distributes it among the Devas.  The story takes some years leap after which it is shown that Kartikeya has been removed from the post of Senapati(head of the army), which pleases Indra and for the first time after so many years, a grown-up Ashoksundari meets Kartikeya. Kartikeya also meets his parents. He enlightens Ashoksundari about meditation and she inspired by it so much that she renounces her life to meditate, which disturbs Parvati.  Looking at the ill happening of the world, of how Ahalya is seduced by Indra, Mahadev come indside. Even after Mahadev tells that he is his father and many other gods tried to tell him, he still refuses. Mahadev got angry and cut Vinayak's head.

  • 欧美大片永远的里奇

    主演:哈德维奇·米尼斯 乔纳斯·斯莫德斯 马德奥·范·德·格里恩 佐伊·洛夫·史密斯 Yootha·Wong-Loi-Sing·Yootha·Wong-Loi-Sing Sabri Saad El-Hamus Sabri Saad El-Hamus 



  • 欧美大片小行星大末日

    主演:埃里克·罗伯茨 Veronika Issa Terry Woodberry Jennifer Lee Wiggins 克雷格·格利斯 Isaac J. Cruz Gigi Gustin D'Artagnan Woods Rick Williamson 雷吉娜·麦基·雷德翁 Zachary Chicos Juliana Destefano 肖恩 C.菲利普斯 


    简介:  A global scientific summit debates and fails on a plan to stop a 做暖暖视频在线看片免费massive asteroid heading straight for Earth, with all countries blaming each other for the impeding disaster. With communicati九阴真经武当2内ons tense, the daughter of a tech billionaire assembles her own team of specialists to try to destroy the asteroid before it is too late.

  • 欧美综艺麦当娜2006忏悔之旅演唱会

    主演:麦当娜 Stuart Price Steve Sidelnyk Monte Pittman Marcus Brown Donna DeLory Nicki Richards Isaac Sinwani Addie Yungmee-Schilling-George Jason Young Charmaine Jordan 丹尼尔·克劳德·坎波斯 Mowii Levi Meeuwenberg Mihr 

    导演:乔纳斯·阿克伦德,Steven Klein

    简介:  踏入二千年以来,Madonna这位已「女人四十」的流行音乐天后似乎有一种愈战愈勇之势。2005年,Madonna在出版过一张以Future Disco为大前提的Confessions On A Dance Floor专辑(也是其第十张专辑)、重拾她的Dancing Queen / Queen Of Clubland姿态后,再引伸出是两款她的DVD录像出品:先是为其04年Reinvention Tour拍摄的纪录片I’m Going To Tell You A Secret在去年面世,继而是在这个07年初推出的现场演出影片The Confessio影雀网ns Tour。两者同是由合作多时的Jonas Akerlund执导摄製。她的乐迷绝对不愁寂寞吧。  在The Confessions Tour内,收录了Madonna在2006年的Confessions Tour世界性巡迴演出在英国伦敦Wembley Arena举行的一站,共三场音乐会,最后一晚(8月16日)演出,正是她的四十八岁生辰,故也别有纪念性意义。  早已得悉她的Confessions Tour是何等精采绝伦。而毋庸置疑,这张The Confessions Tour的DVD,亦是那么叫人为之目不遐给。变化多端的舞台(包括令到由Stuart Price担任音乐总监的伴奏乐团可以「神出鬼没」),精湛而慑人的录像投射,加上舞蹈员的配合,达至每首歌曲的表演皆有不同的Setting配套。现在在DVD里,又不时重新将本来的录像投射与舞台的画面加以重迭,效果更嘆为观止。后期製作的出色乃毋庸置疑。  开场曲Future Lovers跟重玩Donna Summer的1977年Euro-Disco名曲I Feel Love水乳交融而来,加上身穿骑马服的Madonna与舞蹈员带来充满S&M意味的演出,已够先声夺人。每首歌曲,都附上不同的舞台表演环节,如Like A Virgin里的「骑马舞」,Jump里舞蹈员的体操舞蹈,Confessions的舞蹈员读白,Live To Tell里那备受争议的钉十字架场面(背后的数字是要道出在非洲爱滋病令到一千二百万名儿童成为孤儿并带出连串关注非洲儿童的信息再以马太福音作结——为音乐会最触动心灵、发人深省的一曲),Forbidden Love的两男一女「缠手舞」,Isaac的号角前奏,Sorry把舞台变成街头,Music Inferno的滚轴溜冰,在视觉上已令人留下深刻印象。  音乐会里有三首歌曲可看到Madonna弹奏结他。玩出I Love New York这首Disco-Punk曲目的时候,她背著电结他出场带来介乎The Stooges与Post-Punk式之间的结他Riff与製造Feedback,台上投映出纽约市曼哈顿的空中轮廓线,非常之酷;未段Madonna不断敲打结他时,镜头便做出地动山摇的效果,甚为震憾呢。跟著再玩了Ray bt无极Of Light。后来她又弹奏木结他与Issac Sinwani合唱Paradise (Not For Me)。来到尾段,便玩尽劲歌热舞的主题。在Erotica时娜姐换上白色紧身舞衣出场,La Isla Bonita在流丽的Flamenco结他下她大喊”It’s time to put on your dancing shoes!”把舞台变成狂热舞会;Lucky Star娜姐在紧身舞衣上披上印有”Dancing Queen”字样斗篷先向Abba致敬,末段已穿插著Abba的79年名曲Gimme!Gimme!Gimme!(A Man After Midnight)的前奏Sample,随即便引伸出结幕曲Hung Up,亦成为整场音乐会的高潮位,全场大合唱:”Time goes by….so slowly”。  Stuart Price(aka Jacques Lu Cont)的音乐总监角色固然功不可没,经他重新编曲下,为Madonna的歌曲重新注入舞池动能,甚至像Like A Virgin和Lucky Star等廿三、四年前的曲目,都变身成摩登的Electro-Disco House舞曲。1983、84年,Madonna初露锋芒的年代,小Stuart才得六、七岁咋。  专辑曲目:  1.Future Lovers  2.Get Together  3.Like a Virgin  4.Jump  5.Live to Tell  6.Forbidden Love  7.Isaac  8.Sorry  9.Like It Or Not  10.Sorry (remix)  11.I Love New York  12.Let It Will Be  13.Ray of Light 007 迅雷下载 14.Drowned World/Substitute for Love  15.Paradise [Not For Me]  16.Music  17.La Isla Bonita  18.Erotica/You Thrill Me  19.Lucky Star  20.Hung Up

  • 欧美大片魔由心生1989

    主演:乔治·肯尼迪 安德鲁 史蒂文斯 Starr Andreeff Terri Treas John Lafayette 汤米·欣克利 Yvonne Saa Joseph Hardin Al Guarino Jack Valan Joal Corso Butch Stevens 

    导演:Thierry Notz

    简介:<波罗蜜超级污的app;p> 最近的2019中文字幕国语版 鬓边不是海棠红百度云

  • 欧美大片成为约翰·马尔科维奇

    主演:大卫·芬奇 布拉德·皮特 耐德·巴拉米 奥克塔维亚·斯宾瑟 约翰·马尔科维奇 凯瑟琳·基纳 加里·西尼斯 薇诺娜·瑞德 玛丽·凯·普莱斯 约翰·库萨克 凯文·卡罗尔 安迪·迪克 威利·加森 西恩·潘 达斯汀·霍夫曼 卡梅隆·迪亚兹 W·厄尔·布朗 斯派克·琼斯 查理·辛 Eddie·L.·Fauria 内尔·洛斯 理查德·凡西 奥森·比恩 兰斯·邦斯 扎克·汉森 Isaac·Hanson Tayl 


    简介:戈尔(约翰•库萨克 John Cusac浓情小说19楼k 饰倒的木偶艺人,善于操作舞台上傀儡木偶。生活所迫,他进入了一间纽约一间公司从事文件管理工作。这间公司在办公大厦的七楼半,由于它只有半层楼高,所以职员们都只能...

  • 欧美大片爱若此时

    主演:艾伦·卡明 加瑞特·迪拉胡特 Isaac Leyva 弗兰西丝·费舍 格雷格·亨利 杰米·安妮·奥尔曼 


    简介:  音乐人鲁迪(艾伦·卡明 Alan Cumming 饰)在从事变装表演时邂逅地区检察官保罗(加瑞特·迪拉胡特 Garret Dillahunt 饰),两人一见钟情。晚上回重生慈航普度家后鲁迪被邻居喧哗搅得无法休息,当他气势汹汹的上门投诉,却惊讶发现原来屋里只有一个叫马可(埃萨克·莱瓦 Isaac Leyva 饰)的矮胖男孩。鲁迪尝试联络保罗商量对策,但由于马可存在先天智力缺陷,妈妈又因为吸毒而被捕,很快家庭福利署就将马科带走了。后来当鲁迪和保罗看到马可一个人在街头流浪时,他们没有多做考虑就将男孩带回了家。 两人反复讨论后决定收养马可,为他提供一个安稳的生活环境。 不料法院在审核监护权的过程中发现了他们的性取向,法律体系就像一把枷锁狠狠劈来,要斩断他们和那中文字字幕在线中文乱码2019个有特殊障碍、但他们却视如己出的男孩的关系......  本片根据真人真事改编,背景设定在70年代的美国加州,讲述了一对同性恋伴侣如何与偏狭的社会观念和法律体系抗争,争取一个智力缺陷男孩的抚养权的故事。本片获得2012年芝加哥国际电影节、棕榈泉国际电影节、西雅图国际电影节和纽约翠贝卡电影节的观众选择奖。

  • 欧美大片动物僵尸

    主演:Ione Butler 安德鲁·阿斯珀 La La Nestor Kim Nielsen Marcus Anderson Brianna Joy Chomer Ivan Djurovic 亚伦·格罗本 Kaiwi Lyman William McMichael Reuben Uy Isaac Anderson Tammy Klein Cedric Jonathan Joe Conti 

    导演:Glenn Miller

    简介:  动物园准备开放,聘请一班实习生到访实习,没想到一种神秘病毒在动物野花视频最新免费观看3园内开始蔓延爆发,全动物园的动物因而变成噬血活尸,成了真正的尸乐园,现在园区内的幸存者除了得想办法逃出生天外,还必须阻止这群饥肠辘辘的动物活尸走出园区……裂缝下载

  • 欧美大片滑板女孩

    主演:阿姆里特·马赫拉 瓦希达·拉赫曼 Rachel Saanchita Gupta 阿努拉格·阿罗拉 Jonathan Readwin 凯姆利什·吉尔 Vinayak Gupta 斯沃蒂·达斯 Janthavy Norton Sahidur Rahaman Anish Christopher Kevin Shafin Patel Shraddha Gaikwad Ankit Rao Ambarish  

    导演:Manjari Makijany

    简介:  住在印度乡村的少女发现自己热爱滑板,人生从此发生小战象1改变。为了追逐滑板竞赛梦,她将踏上一条挑战重重的道路。

  • 欧美大片死亡游戏

    主演:Sarah Froelich Ali Alkhafaji 

    导演:Isaac Rodriguez

    简介:  In 1999, two fri韩国风俗媚娘全套下载ends use a webcam for the first小草在线观看免费视频 time and stumble across a mysterious browser game that may be hau忽而今夏电视剧nted.

  • 最新美剧发射倒计时:灵感4号平民太空任务

    主演:Hayley Arceneaux Jared Isaacman Sian Proctor Christopher Sembroski 

    导演:Jason Hehir

    简介:  Follow the four civilians as they launch into space on a three-day trip orbiting Earth and reaching an altitude higher than that of the International Space Station (ISS). The SpaceX Dragon mission, dubbed Inspiration4, is the most ambitious step to date in the rapidly-developing age of civilian宫雪花武则天 space exploration, making history as the first all-civilian mission to orbit.

  • 最新美剧女人故事

    主演:拉克希米·曼楚 Saanve Meghna Abhay Bethiganti Jagapathi Babu 阿玛拉·保罗 

    导演:纳格·阿什温,Tharun Bhascker Dhaassyam

    简介:  从秘密和谎言到嫉妒和控制,这部选集电影中的四个故事小说肉多甜宠推荐探索了爱情和黑暗面和欺骗我们结婚了直播地址性


