

  • 欧美大片28天

    主演:Sandra Bullock Viggo Mortensen Dominic West 

    导演:Betty Thomas

    简介:  Gwen Cummings is a successful New York writer living life in the fast 夜恋秀场手机支安卓lane and everyone's favorite party girl. She shares this roller-coaster lifestyle of hopping from dance club to bar to hangover with boyfriend Jasper-handsome, magnetic and equally attracted to life on the wild side. Life is just an exercise in debauchery-until Gwen's ungraceful display at her sister Lily's wedding, when she gets drunk, commandeers the limo and earns herself a DUI and 28 days in court-ordered rehab. There, Gwen comes face to face with a unique set of rules (like no cell phones) and rituals (like chanting) embraced by an assortment of fasci最新精品视频2020在线视频nating fellow re-habbers: Eddie, Gerhardt, Oliver, Andrea, Roshanda, and Billie Jean. A jaded city girl to the core, Gwen is determined not to conform. Then she meets Counselor Cornell, who begins to break through her carefully constructed defenses and force her to take a closer look at who she really is. Ultimately, through the companionship of! her group as well as a devastating loss, Gwen gradually loses her cynicism and begins the long struggle to take back her life. Maybe, she discovers, your insides can match your outsides.

  • 欧美大片浪漫女人香

    主演:Tate Donovan Sandra Bullock Mary Mara 

    导演:Dale Launer

    简介:<回来吧大叔电视剧全集免费观看;p>  黛安和保罗两人都是研究灵长类行为的心理学家,他们比邻而居,有著相同的嗜好,但两人之间似乎从来没有来电的感觉,也从来没有约会过。保罗因交不到女朋友而去求助灵媒,她拿了一剂“爱情9号”的神水给他,并且告诉他有关这瓶神水的妙用,在看过猫和猩猩吃了以后的神效,保罗便和黛安约定一起以自己做为实验的对象。果然在“爱情9号”的药效下,黛安和保罗终于感觉到成为“万人迷”的滋味,就连他们自己也逃不过对方魅力的引诱,而坠入情网。但不知如你好伦敦何,黛安又回到了前任男友的身边,任凭保罗使尽方法都无法唤回黛的心,于是他只好再次求助于灵媒的帮忙……


