

  • 欧美大片受害者/嫌疑人


    导演:Nancy Schwartzman

    简介:  In-depth examination of the dark side of an American justice system where women who report sexual assault are instead charged with perjury and jailed for it.  Investigative journalist Rae de Leon has discovered a startling pattern in rape cases in the United 无敌影院视频在线播放手机版States. Namely, that women who have reported a sexual assault are suspected of lying by the police. First they are accused of making up their allegations, later they are prosecuted for giving false testimony and sometimes they end up serving prison sentences. ‘Victim/Suspect’ shows how the roles are reversed so the perpetrators are declared innocent while the victims sometimes end up behind bars and other times end their lives. Rae de Leon gets first-hand accounts from the women and interviews legal experts as she delves into police methods, interrogation techniques and preliminary investigations, and the outcome reveals a corrupt system. Nancy Schwartzman charts a law enforcement agency that confuses victims and suspects and is relevant far beyond America’s borders. It is a powerful testimony to systemic failure, police handling of cases and a黑帮高中2 determined journalist’s attempt to change it.

  • 欧美大片私运之人

    主演:Jennica Schwartzman Austin Haley Christopher Howell 

    导演:Hunter West

    简介:  珍妮卡·施瓦兹曼主演。海莉失踪了,而她的失踪也牵扯出埋藏在2012高清国语版免费观看下载社会阴暗面的人口贩卖生态。当传出一位12岁女孩失踪的消息,探员瑞秋威洛才发觉到人口贩卖原被带到仓库糟蹋来无处不在,即便是在她这样小的小镇中,也有类似买卖。


