

  • 欧美大片伯格曼岛

    主演:薇姬·克里普斯 蒂姆·罗斯 米娅·华希科沃斯卡 安德斯·丹尼尔森·李 Joel Spira Gabe Klinger Wouter Hendrickx Oscar Reis Grace Delrue Felix Berg Clara Strauch Teodor Abreu Jonas Larsson Grönström 


    简介:  伯格曼黄碟片岛讲述了一对美国电影制作人克里斯(维克·克里普斯饰)和托尼(蒂姆·罗斯饰)的故事,他们在夏天来到神秘的法罗岛。在伯格曼居住和拍摄他最著名作品的这片荒野、惊险的风景万妖之祖5200中,希望为即将上映的电影找到灵感。随着分开度过的日子一天天过去,克里斯对这个岛屿的迷恋开始了,她初恋的纪念品再次浮出水面。现实和虚构之间的界限将逐渐模糊,使这对夫妇更加分离11kkhh。

  • 欧美大片大商店

    主演:Groucho Marx Chico Marx Harpo Marx 

    导演:Charles Reisner

    简介:  对于这个世界闻名的丑角三人组来说,没有任何一种艺术形式是神圣的。他们对侦探片也狠狠地嘲弄了一番:他们揭穿了店主的欺诈行为并以男生为什么最后特别快自己独特的方式将商店整理得焕然一新……和几乎所有的马克斯三兄弟的电影一样,情节只充当一根将所有单个场面串联起来的绳子。这座巨大的商店有着数不清的科室、规章条款、各式各样的人以及奇特的行事方式,这一切都给予了三兄弟足够的空间来传播她们恶毒的、毁灭性的幽默。

  • 欧美大片山丘之王1993

    主演:杰西·布拉德福特 杰罗恩·克拉比 丽莎·艾科恩 凯伦·阿兰 斯波尔丁·格雷 伊丽莎白·麦戈文 卡梅伦·博伊德 艾德里安·布洛迪 乔·克里斯特 约翰·麦康奈尔 埃博·本森 克里斯汀·格里菲斯 Chris Samples Peggy Freisen 凯瑟琳·海格尔 


    简介:  以处女作《性、谎言、录影带》一举成名的新进导演史蒂文.索达伯格,在接下来的作品中出人意料性生活观看地选择了一个十分冷门的题材,从小孩子的角度来反映三十年美国经济崩溃时期的贫民生活是如何刻苦艰辛熬过来的。剧本根据美国作家A.E.贺契纳的童年回忆改编,主人翁是小学生,其父是推销员,其母生病住院休养,弱弟弟被逼送到亲戚家寄养。他一个人住在小旅馆中,依靠朋友的帮忙和自已的随机应变来应付三餐不继的生活。全片并无完整故事,但导演透过一些生动的细节描写和演员的生动演出重塑出一个特殊的时代,童星杰西.布拉德福德长得十分英俊可爱,表现也出奇的精彩。

  • 最新美剧公寓大楼里的谋杀案第一季

    主演:史蒂夫·马丁 马丁·肖特 赛琳娜·戈麦斯 亚伦·多明格斯 艾米·莱安 蒂娜·菲 斯汀 吉米·法伦 简·林奇 瓦妮莎·阿斯皮利亚加 詹姆斯 · 凯弗利 迈克尔·西里尔·克赖顿 杰姬·霍夫曼 杰妮·霍蒂谢尔 洁娜·易 拉塞尔·G·琼斯 Zainab Jah Maximilian Lee Piazza Julian Cihi Olivia Reis 


    简介:  该剧由著名笑匠史蒂夫·马丁和约翰·霍夫曼(《同妻俱乐部》) 联合南洋十大邪术百度影音创作,讲述三个对真实犯罪有着共同痴迷的陌生人突然发现自己被卷入其中的故事。

  • 欧美大片阿曼达与小狐狸

    主演:理查德·卡恩 杰森·伦敦 Elizabeth Foster 克里斯汀·梅利安 Stella Shoha 理查德·戈特里 迈克尔·米利 科琳·詹特里 Ken Alter Leslie McCurdy Sherryl Despres Carrie Foster Hobart Reynolds Joel Paul Reisig Paris Jones 约书亚·雷·贝尔 卡尔霍恩·科尼格 

    导演:Joey Sylvester

    简介:  10歲的亞曼達很想養狗,父親卻不允許。某天她發現一隻小狐狸,於是和好斗罗大陆之七怪互欲交友瑪姬決定偷偷將牠當作寵物飼養,卻女人帮妞儿全集不知道麻煩即將到來…

  • 欧美大片被父谋杀

    主演:阿迪勒·阿赫塔尔 Kiran Sonia Sawar Mawaan Rizwan Salman Akhtar Reiss Jeram Ambreen Razia Simon Nagra Vineeta Rishi Manoj Anand Kay Awasti Raj Awasti Aditi Bajpai Kajal Bhatt Kishore Bhatt Tina Chandorkar 


    简介:Powerful contemporary dra两个人完整视频ma. A young woman falls in love with the wrong man, with tragic consequences for everyone.

  • 欧美大片谋害老妈

    主演:Billy Crystal Danny DeVito Kim Greist 


    简介:  Novelist Larry Donner (Billy Crystal) struggles with writer's block due to his resentment towards his ex-wife Margaret (Kate Mulgrew), who stole his book and garnered mainstream success and critical acclaim with it. Owen Lift (Danny DeVito) is a timid, middle-aged man who still lives with his overbearing, abusive mother (Anne Ramsey). Owen fantasizes of killing his mother but can't summon the courage to bring his desires into fruition. As a student in Larry's community college writing class, Owen is given advice by Larry to view an Alfred Hitchcock film to gain some insight into plot development. He sees Strangers on a Train, in which two strangers c粉衣电梯图片onspire to commit a murder for each other, figuring their lack of connection to the victim will, in theory, establish a perfect alibi. Having overheard Larry's public rant that he wish his ex-wife dead, Owen forms a plan to kill Margaret, believing that Larry will respond by killing his mother.  He tracks Margaret down to Hawaii and follows her onto a cruise ship, apparently pushing her overboard while she tries to retrieve an earring that fell out. Owen returns from Hawaii to tell Larry of Margaret's death and that Larry now "owes" him the murder of his mother, lest he inform the police Larry was the killer. After having spent the night drinking alone during the hours of Margaret's disappearance, Larry panics because he lacks a sufficient alibi. That, along with a news report announcing the police suspect foul play, convinces Larry he's the prime suspect. He decides to stay with Owen and his mother in an attempt to hide from the police. Larry meets Mrs. Lift, but despite her harsh treatment of him he refuses to kill her. Eventually, when Mrs. Lift drives Owen to the breaking point, Larry finally relents and agrees to go through with the murder.  After two unsuccessful attempts, Larry flees the Lift home when Mrs. Lift recognizes him as a suspect from a news broadcast about his ex-wife's disappearance. He boards a train to Mexico and, surprisingly, Owen and Mrs. Lift come along so as to avoid having to lie for him. During the journey, Larry's patience with Mrs. Lift reaches its pinnacle when she impolitely gives him advice on writing. He follows her to the caboose with the intent of throwing her from the train, but stops short when she almost falls off on her own. Owen begins having second thoughts about having his mother killed and comes to help Larry rescue her. Mrs. Lift is grateful at her son for saving her, but unappreciative of Larry's help and kicks him, resulting in him losing his balance, landing on the tracks, and breaking his leg.  During his recovery in t灰姑娘2015迅雷下载he hospital, Larry discovers Margaret is still alive; she simply fell overboard by accident and was rescued by a Polynesian fisherman whom she has decided to marry. Much to his annoyance, Larry learns Margaret plans to sell the rights of her ordeal for $1.5 million dollars. On the advice of a fellow patient, Larry chooses to free himself of his obsession with his ex-wife and instead focus on his own life, thereby freeing him of his writer's block.  A year later, Larry has finished a novel based on his experiences with Owen and Mrs. Lift entitled Throw Momma from the Train. Owen visits and informs him that his mother has died (of natural causes) and that he's going to New York City for the release of his own book. Unfortunately, Owen reveals his book is also about their experiences together. Thinking his book has been scooped, an enraged Larry proceeds to strangle him, but stops when Owen shows him the book is a children's pop-up book called, Momma, Owen, and Owen's Friend Larry with the story drastically altered to be suitable for children. Months later, Larry, Owen, and Larry's girlfriend Beth (Kim Greist) vacation together in Hawaii, reflecting on the final chapter of Larry's book. Larry and Owen's books have now become best-sellers, making them both successful writers as well as close friends.

  • 欧美大片天才一族1990

    主演:Dudley Moore  Daryl Hannah  Paul Reiser 马吉·汉 

    导演:托尼·比尔,Barry L. Young

    简介:  广告人越疯狂,做出的广告就越有笑点。某广告公司的文案编辑安·莫瑞(杜德利·摩尔扮演),发现自己只能想出老实的广告文案之后,被公司送进了精神病院。然而讽刺的是,他的这种直言不讳的文案风格却大受欢迎,并开始和精神病院中的“疯子”们一起合作,写出更多既实在又疯狂得让人拍案叫绝的文案。以下就是几则“疯子”们创作的搞笑文案和片中的部分爆笑点。  爆笑点之一:为美联航空公司做的广告文案——“乘坐美联航空公司的一骑当千第四季飞机,大部分乘客都能活着回去。”  爆笑点之二:为邮局做的广告文案。一辆飞速行驶的邮车在公路上横冲直撞。邮递员亲切和蔼地说:“为了能把您的信件及时送达,撞死几个人又何妨?”  爆笑点之三:给某旅行社做的巴哈马群岛的旅游广告。一个丰腴性感的比基尼女郎充斥整个画面,她的名字叫做“巴哈马”,广告语为:“进入巴哈马!”镜头一切换,无数接线员在跟投诉者解释:“我们提供的服务不包括‘进入女郎身体’这个项目。”  爆笑点之四:一个亚裔青年精神病患者在得到了一辆汽车的奖赏后,急于试试身手,一边脚踩油门,一边骂骂咧咧:“他妈的,先轧死几个白人。”  爆笑点之五:给纽约市做的形象广告——“这里的谋杀案发生数量比去年少了一件。”  爆笑点之六:给索尼公司做的广告文案。播出前版本(美国人描述):“因为日本人(个子矮)的眼睛离电子元件的距离比较近,所以电器由他们生产。” 播出后版本(日本人描述):“由于西方人(个子高)的眼睛离电子元件的距离多肉质量好的短篇比较远,所以这种攒精密仪器的活儿由我们来干,索尼电器。”

  • 欧美大片洛卡改变世界

    主演:巴巴拉·苏科瓦 彼得·巴德施布纳 德特勒夫·布克 沃尔克·布鲁赫 米娜·唐德 法赫里·亚迪姆 莱娜·施托尔策 迈克尔·梅尔坦斯 克杜拉·施特拉特曼 霍尔格·德克森 Markus·Knüfken·Markus·Knüfken Margret·Völker·Margret·Völker Hedi·Kriegeskotte·Hedi·Kriegeskotte Milena·Dreißig·Milena· 



  • 欧美大片天才一族

    主演:Dudley Moore  Daryl Hannah  Paul Reiser 马吉·汉 

    导演:托尼·比尔,Barry L. Young

    简介:  广告人越疯狂,做出的广告就越有笑点。某广告公司的文案编辑安拈花网首页·莫瑞(杜德利·摩尔扮演),发现自己只能想出老实的广告文案之后,被公司送进了精神病院。然而讽刺的是,他的这种直言不讳的文案风格却大受欢迎,并开始和精神病院中的“疯子”们一起合作,写出更多既实在又疯狂得让人拍案叫绝的文案。以下就是几则“疯子”们创作的搞笑文案和片中的部分爆笑点。  爆笑点之一:为美联航空公司做的广告文案——“乘坐美联航空公司的飞机,大部分乘客都能活着回去。”  爆笑点之二:为邮局做的广告文案。一辆飞速行驶的邮车在公路上横冲直撞。邮递员亲切和蔼地说:“为了能把您的信件及时送达,撞死几个人又何妨?”  爆笑点之三:给某旅行社做的巴哈马群岛的旅游广告。一个丰腴性感的比基尼女郎充斥整个画面,她的名字叫做“巴哈马”,广告语为:“进入巴哈马!”镜头一切换,无数接线员在跟投诉者解释:“我们提供的服务不包括‘进入女郎身体’这个项目。”  爆笑点之四:一个亚裔青年精神病患者在得到了一辆汽车的奖赏后,急于试试身手,一边脚踩油门,一边骂骂咧咧:“他妈的,先轧死几个白人。”  爆笑点之五:给纽约市做的形象广告——“这里的谋杀案发生数量比去年少了一件。”  爆笑点之六:给索尼公司做的广告文案。播出前版本(美国人描述):“因为日本人(个子矮)的眼睛离电子元件的距离比较近,所以电器由他们生产。” 播出后版本(日本人描述):“由于西方人(个子高)的眼睛离电子元件的距离比较远,所以这种攒精密仪器的活儿由我们来干,索尼电器。”

  • 欧美大片罗丝的遭遇

    主演:马辛·多洛辛斯基 Marcin Dorocinski ....Tadeusz 阿伽塔·库雷斯扎 Agata Kulesza ....Róza Kwiatkowska 金嘉·普雷斯 Kinga Preis ....Amelia Jacek Braciak ....Wladek Malwina Buss ....Jadwiga Kwiatkowska 马利安·杰德杰尔 Marian Dziedziel 



  • 欧美大片山丘之王

    主演:杰西·布拉德福特 杰罗恩·克拉比 丽莎·艾科恩 凯伦·阿兰 斯波尔丁·格雷 伊丽莎白·麦戈文 卡梅伦·博伊德 艾德里安·布洛迪 乔·克里斯特 约翰·麦康奈尔 埃博·本森 克里斯汀·格里菲斯 Chris Samples Peggy Freisen 凯瑟琳·海格尔 


    简介:  以处女作《性、谎言、录影带》一举成名的新进导演史蒂文.索达伯格,在接下来的作品中出人意料地选择了一个十分冷门的题材,从小孩子的角度来反映三十年美国经济崩溃时期的贫民生活是如何刻苦艰辛熬过来的。剧本根据美国作家A.E北京童话.贺契纳的童年回忆改编,主人翁是小学生,其父是推销员,其母生病住院休养,弱弟弟被逼送到亲戚家寄养。他一个人住在小旅馆中,依靠朋友的帮忙和自已的随机应变来应付三餐不继的生活。全片并无完整故事,但导演透过一些生动的细节描写星辰变第二部在线播放和演员的生动演出重塑出一个特殊的时代,童星杰西.布拉德福德长得十分英俊可爱,表现也出奇的精彩。

  • 最新美剧我的老婆失忆了

    主演:Priscila Reis Priscila Buiar Thomás de Araújo Ingrid Pedroza Gabi Lemos Ticiana Passos 


    简介:魔法战争 动漫机甲兽神第2部全集赘婿电视剧在线观看免费

  • 最新美剧珍的不一样第一季

    主演:马伊雷德·泰尔斯 希沃恩·麦克斯维尼 罗比·基 约翰·麦克米兰 索菲亚·奥克斯纳姆 Reis Daniel Edward Wolstenholme Luke Rollason Safia Oakley-Green 亚伯拉罕·波波拉 皮埃尔·伯格曼 Bilal Hasna Nathaly Herrera Kamahl Sami-Miller 埃拉·布鲁科莱里 帕特里夏·艾莉森 

    导演:Nadira Amrani,Toby Macdonald,詹妮弗·谢里丹

    简介:  “Extraordinary” is set in a world where everyone develops a power on their 18th birthday… everyone, that is, except for Jen. She’s turning 25 and is still waiting to get hers. She’s not even fussy about what that could be: super speed? Laser eyes? The ability to plug in a USB the right way every single time? She’ll take it.琪琪午夜理论2019理论 Like a caterpillar surrounded by butterflies, Jen feels unable to move forward, stuck in a dead-end job in a party shop and occasionally hooking up with Luke, a flaky young man with the irritatingly cool ability to fly. Luckily, Jen has Carrie to stop her f青春失乐园rom wallowing in her own self-pity. Inseparable since school, their relationship cycles between sister, parent, and wingman. Together they share an East London flat with Carrie’s long-term boyfriend, Kash. Carrie has the power to channel the dead but feels she’s been overshadowed by her own party trick: doesn’t anyone care about what she has to say? Kash takes his power – the ability to turn back time – very seriously, but he’s not above using it to undo minor embarrassments, or moments when he says exactly the wrong thing to long-suffering Carrie. The fourth member of the flat is a stray cat, named Jizzlord by the gang, who’s harbouringlumia800 a surprising secret: turns out even cats have more power than Jen.


